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Nature protection

Dsc 0156

Nature protection is one of the backbones of Zelena akcija/FoE Croatia. For many years we have been monitoring and advocating a better legislative framework in the field of protection of various components of the environment and nature, implementing projects for the concrete protection of certain areas and conducting campaigns against harmful projects.

The main goals on this topic are: raising awareness of the biodiversity crisis, stopping harmful projects for biodiversity, contributing to the correct proven legislative framework for nature protection in the Republic of Croatia and the EU as well as river protection.

Some of the most significant results of the work on this topic:

  • moving the highway across the Gacka Valley away from the Gacka River (2002);
  • elaboration of an action plan for the protection and sustainable development of the wider Velebit area (2003);
  • preventing changes in the boundaries of the Papuk Nature Park (2004);
  • proving the presence of otters in the Lika River and discovering a new olm (“human fish”) site (2005);
  • first survey on poaching in Croatia (2007);
  • annulment of the old Environmental Impact Study for the Hydropower plant Kosinj from 1988 - HEP forced to make a new one (2008);
  • stopping the construction of the Ombla hydropower plant (2015);
  • establishment of cooperation councils in three protected areas within the Sava Culture-NATURA project (2015).


  • Against hydropower plant Kosinj (2000-present)
  • "Let's save the Drava" (2004-2009)
  • Against hydropower plant Lešće (200 -2010)
  • Against hydropower plant Ombla (2011-2015) 

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