The planned incinerator KBC Rebro contradicts urban planning of Zagreb!
The planned incorporation of infectious waste management on the premises of KBC Rebro must comply with Zagreb's General Urban Plan (GUP), the competent City Office confirmed. Therefore, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development should reject the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) and evaluate it as an unacceptable environmental intervention.
That's the message that was sent by Zelena akcija/FoE Croatia and the Citizens' Initiative - Stop the incinerator Rebro KBC Zagreb! in front of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development. Activists set up a big banner saying "Where there is smoke, there is no health. STOP the incinerator", to warn about the Study's shortcomings and highlight more sustainable solutions.

"The competent administrative body of Zagreb confirmed what we have been claiming from the beginning", said Marko Košak from FoE Croatia. "According to the new interpretation, the planned project does not comply with the urban planning of Zagreb", Košak explained. By the General Urban Plan (GUP), KBC Rebro can have a facility for waste recovery exclusively for its own needs, but not for the other five hospitals for which this incinerator is designed. "That said, an attempt to impose the incinerator for other hospitals within KBC Zagreb fails", Košak said.
He emphasised that the EIA is non-expert, made to support the investors and that the project has no foothold in the GUP either. "We call on the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development to stop the incinerator! If the Ministry refuses, we have enough arguments to stop it with legal tools", Košak said and added: "On the premises of KBC Rebro, in accordance with the GUP, only what is in the function of health care as the basic purpose of KBC is allowed to be built. Therefore, an incinerator is out of the question".

Aleksandra Numanović from the Citizens' Initiative commented on the situation's absurdity. Even though many experts point to the tremendous environmental and health harm of such a facility and that more sustainable solutions weren't even considered, a hazardous waste incinerator is planned to be built in the middle of the city. "KBC Zagreb and the Ministry of Health ignore the protest of several hundred people and a petition signed by more than 10,000 citizens of Zagreb against this project”, said Numanović. "We will not give up because this is a fight for the health of not only the residents of Maksimir, but everyone who lives in this city. Together with FoE Croatia, we appeal to the Ministry to stop this nonsense of an infectious waste incinerator”, Numanović concluded.
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