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Celebrating 40 years of mobilization, resistance and transformation

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Today, Friends of the Earth International, the world's largest global grassroots federation of environmental groups, marks 40th anniversary.

Throughout the year we will celebrate, together with our member groups and supporters, all that we have achieved over the past forty years. Our anniversary is also an opportunity to look ahead to the next forty years and to stress the urgency of a global transformation towards environmentally sustainable and socially just societies. 

Friends of the Earth International was founded in 1971 in Roslagen, Sweden by a group  of environmental activists from France, Sweden, the UK and the US. These activists saw a pressing need for an organization that would facilitate the tackling of cross-boundary environmental issues.

Forty years later, the federation boasts 76 member groups and over 2 million individual members and supporters around the world. Our positions and campaigns are informed by our work with the grassroots and communities.

Friends of the Earth International is also part of a global environmental and social movement that includes farmers, indigenous peoples, workers, women and young people.

To mark our anniversary we have produced a range of materials which are all available to view or download here.

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